Try this deep-dish pumpkin pie when you need to please both traditional and modern palates at the Thanksgiving table. Adding Chinese five-spice powder...
Everyone knows witches are not to be trusted with apples. Assure your guests that the coating of caramel, pistachios, and chocolate on these twig-skewered...
These crispy cornmeal cookies make the prettiest treat for Valentine's Day. A heart-shaped cookie cutter is pressed into each round just to create an impression....
Bring out the sweet side of Halloween with these colorful sugar cookies, a real treat for your favorite little tricksters. Kids will be happy to help out...
Overlapping disks of pate brisee top a highly spiced apple pie. You will need a 1 3/4-inch fluted round cutter to create the layered effect on the top...
These savory potpies have the leaves and fronds of whole herbs rolled into the dough that tops them -- the result is as pleasing to the eye as it is to...
Don't be intimidated by pheasant! The lean yet tender meat is just as easy to cook as chicken, and paired with a spelt crust, makes this potpie truly special...
Layered and light, the tiers of this lemon cake with curd call for cholesterol-free egg whites and skim milk; the berries in between are thought to be...
Vanilla and chocolate are tastefully intertwined in the yin and yang-inspired design of these buttery cookies. Enjoy a bite of pure vanilla or rich chocolate,...
We've taken the guesswork out of making these patisserie beauties, so you can prepare them at home (for less than 25 cents a pop!). Be sure to weigh the...
There are many varieties of grapes to choose from when making this elegant dessert. Create a pattern with the colors. We made alternating circles of seedless...
A chocolate cake enjoys an exalted presence when frosted with an irresistibly sweet, buttery spread. A garnish of shaved coconut takes the cake from diner...
We're used to seeing cakes and confections cheerfully decorated to resemble Easter eggs, but rarely do we see ones that take the mimicry so literally....
Pate brisee is the perfect pie crust for our Tomato Tart and it can be enhanced with a tablespoon or so of chopped fresh herbs. Thyme, parsley, rosemary,...
Just as setting out milk and cookies will appease a jolly elf, these gingerbread critters are sure to tame ornery beasts. Lemony royal icing cloaks the...
Caramel corn, a perennial Halloween favorite, gets an upgrade with the addition of chopped cashews and drizzled white chocolate. It can be stored in an...
This rich dough is soft and a little difficult to roll, but it can be easily pressed into a tart shell -- and patched as needed. Use this recipe when making...
Grated zucchini gives this crowd-pleasing cake a moist texture and subtle sweetness. Almond flour adds nutty flavor and makes it perfect for those on a...
So much better than store-bought, this marshmallow sauce is easier to make than it seems. Add a dollop of the sticky sweet stuff to your next ice cream...
This spiced pumpkin cake is enhanced by layers of a delectably rich frosting that features cream cheese and goat cheese. Quince, available in the fall,...